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Destiny — Motivational Video
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why – Mark Twain.
I do not believe, that any of us have dreams, that were not given to us, for the purpose of accomplishing those particular dreams.
If you feel you have something to give, if you feel that your particular talent is worth developing, is worth caring for… then there’s nothing you can’t achieve.
Not only it is possible for you to have your dream, but it’s necessary. It’s necessary, that you go for what is yours in the universe.
Logical, practical thinking says, you can’t do it today. But if you want to produce unreasonable results in your life, like living your dream and taking charge of your destiny, you’ve got to be an unreasonable person.
When you grow up, you tend to get told that the world is the way it is. Your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. That’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader. Once you discover one simple fact: “Everything around you, that you call life, was made up by people that were no smarter than you”. Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.
If it’s hard, why do people do it? Why did they go? People who climb mountains. Why would Nelson Mandela give up 26 years of his life? Why do people do that? Even though it’s hard… It’s worth it. It’s worth it! The people who go after their stuff, what makes it worth it? It’s got to be your passion. You got to love it and it’s got to be what you are supposed to do! You do what it is you supposed to do. You supposed to build something, you supposed to create something. “I don’t know how to do it”, LEARN!
Let me share something with you, history is being read but it is also being written, by people with imagination. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop running toward your dream!
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
I appreciate your videos and this is actually the first time I have taken a look at your website. Keep up the good work. I have listened to some of your montages through some difficult times and many leave me with a sense of motivation and hope that things will soon get better.
you are welcome!