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The Little Prince — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry — Audiobooks
Настоящей жемчужиной мировой литературы ХХ столетия по праву считается произведение Антуана де Сент-Экзюпери «Маленький принц». Невероятно трогательная история учит не только детей, но и взрослых любви, дружбе, ответственности, сопереживанию.
Читать далее »Children’s Story «Good Neighbours»
After school one winter day, Jack’s mother told him to go out and play in the snow. «But it’s so cold outside, Mother!» Jack said. «Put on your coat and your hat and your mittens,» his mother said. ...
Читать далее »Why Bananas Belong to Monkeys
Once upon a time, when the world was new, there was only one kind of banana, but very many kinds of monkey. In those days, a woman kept a big garden full of banana trees. It was difficult for ...
Читать далее »Fairy Tales: The First Voyage of Sinbad
Long ago, in the city of Baghdad, there lived a man named Sinbad the Hammál. He made his living by lugging around heavy objects on his head. In short he was a porter, as hard working, as he was ...
Читать далее »Снежная королева — The Snow Queen
ONCE THERE WAS AN EVIL WIZARD who made a mirror with his dark magic. If anything good or beautiful was put in front of the mirror, the reflection that showed back was only rotten and gray. The wizard laughed. He ...
Читать далее »Stories Elephants, Bananas and Aunty Ethel
So, I was walking along the street on my way to work as usual, but for some reason I was in a hurry. I wasn’t really sure why I was in a hurry. And then I realised that I was ...
Читать далее »Fairy Tale: The Six Sillies
A young man wants to marry a silly girl… but must find three sillier people first! ONCE upon a time there was a young girl who reached the age of thirty-seven without ever having had a lover, for she was ...
Читать далее »Audio story: «Solomon Takes a Walk»
It was one minute past six in the evening. Normally Solomon would be prowling in circles around his bowel mewing: “Come on Katie, what kind of cat lover do you claim to be? Have you forgotten about my dinner?”
Читать далее »Сказка: «The small red feather» с переводом
There once lived a man with his wife. They were very poor and always hungry. The man often went to the forest. But he was a bad hunter and sometimes brought home only a small bird. One day he went ...
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