Главная / Аудио уроки / Аудио курс по английскому. Грамматика без зубрежки

Аудио курс по английскому. Грамматика без зубрежки

Данный аудиокурс по английскому в первую очередь подойдет для тех кто не любит учить грамматику стандартными способами. Отличительная черта данного аудиокурса от остальных в том что здесь не объясняют грамматику а поют под веселые мелодии.

Слушайте аудио когда у вас есть свободное время так вы сможете запомнить больше слов и фраз использованных в этом аудиокурсе.

Грамматика без зубрежки

Текст к аудио урокам :


to be


Unit 1

Are You French?

Are you French?

No, I’m not. I’m Italian.

Is he Korean?

No, he’s not. He’s Japanese.

Is she Spanish?

No, she’s not. She’s Venezuelan.

Are they Indonesian?

No, they’re not. They’re Taiwanese.

2 Is There Anybody Here from


Is there anybody here from Thailand?

Are there any students here from Peru?

Is there anybody here from Tahiti?

Is anyone from Icatmandu?

Is there anybody here from Bali?

Are there any students here from Rome?

Is there anybody here from Quito?

Are there any students here from Nome?

There’s one student here from Thailand.

There are two students here from Peru.

There are three students here from Tahiti.

There’s no one here from Katmandu.

 3 Is Sam Married?

Is Sam married?

No, he’s not. He’s single.

Is Anne married?

No, she’s not. She’s divorced.

Are the Browns divorced?

No, they’re not. They’re separated.

Are Bill and Sue in love?

No, they’re not. They’re just good friends.

4 Are There Two M’s in Grammar?

Are there two m’s in grammar?

Yes, there are.

Is there a k in mistake?

Yes, there is.

Is there a b in dumb?

Yes, there is.

Is there a p in stupid?

Yes, there is.

Are there two 1’s in silly?

Yes, there are.

Is there an r in word?

Yes, there is.

Is there an o in hot?

Yes, there is.

Is there an n in not?

Yes, there is.

5 Boxes of Books

Boxes and boxes and boxes of books.

Big books, small books,

old books, new books.

Books on the bookshelf.

Books on the floor.

Books on the table

next to the door.

Books in the kitchen.

Books in the hall.

Books in the bedroom,

big and small.


Unit 2


1 Checklist

Are the lights on?

Yes, they are.

Is the blackboard clean?

Yes, it is.

Is there chalk on the blackboard?

Yes, there is.

Are the students here?

Yes, they are.

Is the teacher here?

Yes, she is.

Is it time to begin?

Yes, it is.

2 Where’s Mary?

Where’s Mary?

Mary who?

Mary Brown.

She’s out of town.

Where’s Bill?

He’s very ill.

Where’s Sue?

She has the flu.

Where’s Ted?

He’s home in bed.

Where are Bob and Ray?

They’re absent today.

3 This, That, These, Those

This, that,

these, those.

Snap your fingers,

touch your toes.

This, that,

those, these.

Shrug your shoulders,

bend your knees.

4 Checking In at the Airport

Are the bags all here?

Yes, they are.

Are the tags on the bags?

Yes, they are.

Where’s the big black bag?

It’s there, on the floor.

Where’s the little brown bag?

It’s there, near the door.

Where are the tickets?

They’re there, in your hand.

Where are the tags?

They’re there, on the bags.

5 This is Wednesday, Isn’t It?

This is Wednesday, isn’t it?

I think it is. I think so.

This is the first, isn’t it?

I think it is. I think so.

Is this the door to the roof?

I think so. It must be.

Are these the stairs to the basement?

I think so. They must be.

Is that the main entrance to the building?

I think so. It must be.

Those are the stairs to the basement, aren’t they?

I think so. They must be.

That’s the exit, isn’t it?

I think so. It must be.

This is the entrance, isn’t it?

I think so. It must be.

Unit 3

1 What’s Going On This Morning?

The earth is turning,

The toast is burning,

The water is boiling,

The tea kettle’s whistling,

The faucet is leaking,

The floor is creaking,

The plants are dying,

The kids are crying.

What’s burning?

The toast is burning.

What’s boiling?

The water is boiling.

How are the plants?

The plants are dying.

How are the kids?

The kids are crying.

2 When Are You Leaving?

When are you leaving?

I’m leaving in July.

How are you going?

I’m planning to fly.

Where is Bob going?

He’s going to Spain.

How is he going?

He’s taking a plane.

Are you leaving next summer?

I’m leaving next fall.

Are you going with Bobby?

I’m going with Paul.

3 What’s She Doing?

What’s she doing?

She’s writing a book.

What’s he doing?

He’s learning to cook.

What are you doing?

I’m learning to drive.

What are they doing?

They’re learning to dive.

What’s Dan doing?

He’s writing a letter.

What’s Fran doing?

She’s knitting a sweater.

Are You Coming with Us?

Are you coming with us?

I’m going with Gus.

What about Lee?

He’s coming with me.

What about Tim?

Who’s going with him?

Bob and Jim are going with him.

What about Mary?

Who’s going with her?

I’m not sure who is going with her.

How about Lou?

He’s going with you.

What about Bill?

He’s going with Phil.

How about the Browns?

Who’s going with them?

I think Clem is going with them.

5 Is She Still Married to Bobby?

Is she still married to Bobby?

Is she still living with Fred?

Is she still teaching in London?

Is she still working with Ed?

Is he still getting his Masters?

Is he still studying Greek?

Is he still doing his homework

every day of the week?

Are you still studying Russian?

Are you still trying to write?

Are you still playing the piano

one hour every night?



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