Привет друзья. Организовав несколько раз праздник дома, вложив в него коллективную душу вашей семьи, вы не только войдете во вкус и начнете получать от этого удовольствие, но и создадите прекрасные традиции. Что может быть лучше познавательного, интересного вечера в кругу семьи и друзей, который гарантирует тепло, душевность и хорошее настроение!?
Spending time with my family (simple template)
Spending time with family is very essential. Modern life is dynamic and hectic and sometimes we all forget about what is really important and neglect family time. Nevertheless, we should do our best to keep the relationships with our relatives good.
If you have a busy work day and can’t find any time to see your family, work modern technologies to the benefit and text or call your parents or children. It takes a couple of minutes but makes other people feel better. They would see that even at work you think about the people you love.
Moreover, you should try to finish all the tasks by the weekend so as to spend the rest of the week with your family. You can walk in the park, go to the cinema or just stay at home and have a nice talk. There is plenty of options for weekend activities with your family. You might plan something in advance and then look forward to Friday evening.
However, don’t forget about heart-to-heart conversations. Talking is extremely important for maintaining strong links between each other. Try to show interest in your family members’ affairs, share something with them, too, and give some advice if needed.
Summing up all the ideas, we can see that lack of time is often just an excuse. Everyone can dedicate at least a couple of minutes to his/her family. One has only to think about how much time he/she wastes surfing the internet or playing video games.
Времяпрепровождение с семьей очень важно. Современная жизнь очень динамична и суматошна, и иногда мы все забываем о том, что действительно важно и пренебрегаем временем, отведенным на семью. Тем не менее, нам следует постараться сделать все возможное, чтобы сохранить хорошие отношения с нашими родственниками.
Если у вас загруженный день на работе, и вы не можете найти время, чтобы увидеть семью, используйте современные технологии во благо и напишите или позвоните вашим родителям или детям. Это займет всего пару минут, но заставит других людей почувствовать себя лучше. Они узнают, что даже на работе вы думаете о людях, которых любите.
Более того, вам следует постараться закончить все дела к выходным, чтобы провести остаток недели с семьей. Вы можете прогуляться в парке, пойти в кино или просто остаться дома и приятно пообщаться. Есть множество вариантов, как провести выходные с семьей. Вы можете запланировать что-то заранее, а потом с нетерпением ждать вечера пятницы.
Однако не стоит забывать о разговорах по душам. Общение очень важно для поддержания прочных связей друг с другом. Постарайтесь проявить интерес к делам близких, поделиться чем-то сами и дать совет, если нужно.
Подводя итоги, можно понять, что недостаток времени – это всего лишь отговорка. Каждый может посвятить хотя бы пару минут своей семье. Достаточно подумать о том, сколько времени каждый из нас проводит в интернете или за видеоиграми.
Spending Time with Family (Essay Sample)
The family is the pillar upon which the society leans. Without stable, united and organized family structures, the society and the nation at large would perish. For the family to be united and organized, everyone must put aside adequate time to spend with the rest of the family members. This paper evaluates the need to spend time with the family.
Traditionally, the family is composed of the father, mother, and children. Cousins, uncles, aunts, grandfather, grandmother, nieces and nephews among other relatives strengthen the family structure. The father and mother are expected to act as role models to their children and the children will pass the same role modeling to their children thus the prosperity of the family is attached to the role modeling displayed by parents and older siblings.
Parents have been known to do anything to protect and be with their little boys and girls. An extremely busy father can travel thousands of miles to be at home in time for his daughter’s birthday or his son’s graduation ceremony. The family, as is evident in such a case, is more important than one’s job or anything else in the world. The unity of the family is dependent on the members being in touch with each other. A husband needs to be in good relation with his wife and the two of them should cultivate a good relationship with their children. Such unity and a good relationship can only be enhanced through closeness and constant concern for each member’s well-being. A busy parent who has no time for his children or wife will ultimately lose contact with the rest of the family.
However busy the job schedule is, there must always be some time set aside when the family comes together and spends time as a unit. The wife needs to understand and take care of the concerns and the needs of his husband and the children, and this requires that she commits adequate time to spend with the rest of the family. Some needs are psychological such as the need for the family to be assured of their safety, security, and love. Other needs are emotional while others are physical such as the conjugal rights and responsibilities that a husband has towards his wife and wife to her husband.
By spending time together, a family is able to iron out any issues between the members. Any problem affecting one or more members is identified, discussed and solved but when the family is not in constant touch, some of the issues affecting members get swept under the rug and this ultimately results in the future breakup of the family. Both adults and children need to the change environment from time to time for them to feel rejuvenated and reinvigorated. The family needs to go on holidays together, attend events together, and hold parties and celebrations such as birthdays for them to feel a sense of unity and care for one another. When one of the children has a birthday, for instance, the presence of the parents and the other siblings means a lot to that particular individual. It portrays the extent of care and love that the family members feel for that person.
In conclusion, spending time with the family is a key element in the unity of the family. No single member of the family should be too busy or committed to be there for the other members. The well-being of each member is just as important and is dependent on that of the entire family. Consequently, spending as much time as possible with the family is the primary way through which the entire society gets to progress.
Talking About Your Family in English
Полезные выражения и слова:
Essential – важный
Hectic – суматошный, бурный
Neglect – пренебрегать
Work something to the benefit – использовать что-то во благо
In advance – заранее
Look forward to – ждать с нетерпением
Heart-to-heart conversation – разговор по душам
Strong links – прочные связи
Excuse – отговорка
Dedicate smth to smb – посвятить что-то кому-то
Универсальные фразы и предложения
- Я единственный ребенок в семье. – I am the only child in the family.
- У меня нет ни братьев, ни сестер. – I have got neither brothers nor sisters.
- В моей семье 4 человека. – My family has three members.
- Моя семья состоит из 4 человек. – My family consists of four persons.
- В нашей семье принято уважать старших. – It is usual for our family to have respect for seniors.
- Мы все уважаем друг друга. -We all respect each other.
- Мы все живем под одной крышей. – We all live under the same roof.
- Моя бабушка умерла два года назад. – My grandmother died two years ago.
- Я и моя сестра ладим друг с другом. – My sister and I get well with each other.
- Мою старшую сестру зовут … My elder sister’s name is…
- Моего младшего брата зовут … My younger brother’s name is…
- В нашей семье имеются собственные традиции. – Our family has its own traditions.
- Наша семья имеет богатую историю. – Our family has a rich history.
- Моя старший брат и я иногда ссоримся друг с другом. – Sometimes my elder brother and I conflict with each other.
- У нас много общего. – We have much in common.
- Моя сестра собирается выйти замуж в этом году. – My sister is going to get married this year.
- Мои родители разведены. – My parents are divorced.
- Каждый член нашей семьи имеет свои обязанности. – All member of our family have their own duties.
- Я второй ребенок в семье. – I am the second child in the family.