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Топик: Мой рабочий день текст с переводом

Привет всем! В рейтинге самых популярных топиков на английском языке рассказ о рабочем дне занимает почетное второе место после рассказа о себе.

В одной их наших предыдущих статей мы разобрались, как составить рассказ о себе, теперь мы хотели бы дать вам несколько полезных советов о том, как составлять рассказ о своём рабочем дне.


  • working day – рабочий день, будний день
  • workdays – будни
  • to make up – составлять, собирать
  • essential – основной
  • actually – на самом деле, фактически
  • bowl of cereal – миска каши
  • to go out – выйти прогуляться, пойти прогуляться
  • to go in for sports – заниматься спортом
  • to pursue a dream – осуществить мечту

Мy working day

Мy working day / Мой рабочий день

On week days I usually get up nearly six o’clock. I do not like to get up early, but I have to, because I have a lot of work to do during the day.

I make my bed, wash my face, put my clothes on and go to the kitchen to have breakfast. My mother usually prepares, breakfast for me, but sometimes I do it myself. If I prepare my breakfast for my own, I should have to get up earlier. I do not like big breakfasts; I prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

Then I go to school. It is rather far from my house and I go there by bus. I have classes till two or three o’clock, it depends on a week day. Then I come home and have dinner. I like a big dinner, because when I come home from school I am hungry.

After my dinner, I have a rest for a couple of hours and then I do my homework. If I have some spare time I do some work about the house. I sweep the floor, dust the furniture and clean the carpets with the vacuum-cleaner. Sometimes my mother asks me to go shopping.

Then I have free time. I go for a walk with my friends or watch TV, or read books or play my favorite computer games. Then I have supper with my family. I like evenings very much, all members of our family get together after work and study and have the opportunity to talk and to discuss our family affairs.
I usually go to bed at about ten o’clock, sometimes at eleven o’clock.

Мой рабочий день перевод


Мой рабочий день pdf

My working day in Tokyo, Japan

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